

  Sitenin amacı, hukuk profesyonellerinin hukuk İngilizcesi becerilerini geliştirmelerine yardımcı olmaktır. Özellikle, uluslararası alanda başarılı olmak için gerekli İngilizce dil becerilerini kazandırmak hedeflenmektedir. Sitenin sunduğu detaylar ve hukuk İngilizcesi öğrenen öğrencilere faydaları: Hukuk İngilizcesi eğitimleri: Hukuk İngilizcesi'ni geliştirmek isteyen hukukçulara yönelik çeşitli kurslar sunulmaktadır. Bunlar arasında "The Legal English Power Start", "The Legal English Confidence Boost" ve "The Lawyer's English Toolkit" bulunmaktadır. Bu kurslar, temel hukuk terminolojisini öğretmeyi, telaffuzu ve akıcılığı geliştirmeyi ve kültürlerarası iletişim becerilerini geliştirmeyi amaçlar. Kariyer fırsatları: Sitede, hukuk İngilizcesinin kariyer gelişimine nasıl katkı sağlayabileceği vurgulanmaktadır. Hukuk İngilizcesi bilgisi, uluslararası şirketlerdeki pozisyonlara, yabancı hukuk firmalarıyla ortaklıklara ve uluslararası etkinlikler...

Advocates for Internatıonal Development

  A4ID (Uluslararası Kalkınma Savunucuları), hukuk ve avukatların küresel yoksulluğun ortadan kaldırılmasında tam rol oynamasını amaçlayan küresel bir yardım kuruluşudur. A4ID, yoksullukla mücadeleye katılanların en iyi hukuki danışmanlığa erişmesini sağlar. A4ID'nin Hukuk İngilizcesi ile ilgili faaliyetleri şunlardır: Eğitim Programları: A4ID, avukatları kalkınma konularında bilgilendirmek ve güçlendirmek ve kalkınma ortaklarının SDG'lere ulaşmalarına yardımcı olmak için çeşitli eğitim programları sunar. Bilgi Grupları: A4ID, hukukun uluslararası kalkınmada oynayabileceği kritik rolü araştıran birçok farklı etkinlik düzenler. Pro Bono Aracılık Hizmeti: A4ID, hukuk ortakları ve kalkınma ortaklarını bir araya getirerek SDG'leri ilerleten belirli projelerde işbirliği yapmalarını sağlar. Bu, hukuki uzmanlığın ücretsiz olarak sunulmasını içerir. Kaynaklar: A4ID, hukuk ve kalkınma alanında çeşitli kaynaklar sunar. A4ID (Uluslararası Kalkınma Savunucuları) Bilgi Notu...

Contractual Intent | Contract Law

  Summary Understanding contractual intent is crucial for determining valid contracts, distinguishing offers from invitations to treat, and applying objective standards. Highlights 📝 Contractual Intent: Key for establishing if a contract exists. ⚖️ Offer vs. Invitation to Treat: Offers create binding obligations, while invitations do not. 🔍 Objective Standard: Courts assess intent based on outward actions, not subjective beliefs. 📜 Case Law: Historical cases illustrate principles of contractual intent. 💼 Reasonable Person Test: Evaluates if an average person would perceive intent to contract. ⚠️ Consequences of Breach: Valid contracts lead to legal obligations and potential breaches. 🏛️ Legal Precedents: Cases like Stor v. Manchester City Council shape contract law interpretations. Key Insights 🎯 Importance of Intent: Establishing contractual intent is fundamental; it differentiates between mere negotiations and binding agreements. Courts focus on actions that indicate intent...

Agreement | Contract Law

 Summary This video introduces the creation of contracts, focusing on the fundamental elements, particularly agreement, essential for a legally binding contract. Highlights 📜 Introduction to contract creation and its importance. ⚖️ Agreement is the foundational element of a contract. 🤝 Contracts require an offer and acceptance. 🔄 Exchange of obligations, or consideration, is vital. 📝 Intention to create legal relations must be established. 🎟️ Formality may be required in specific contracts. 📬 An overview of parties involved: offerer and offeree. Key Insights 📖 Understanding Contract Formation: Contracts are legal agreements formed by mutual consent, requiring specific elements to be valid. 🔑 Importance of Agreement: Agreement serves as the cornerstone of contract law, as it dictates the parties’ obligations. 🎯 Offer and Acceptance Dynamics: The process involves an offer made by one party and its acceptance by another, essential for forming an agreement. 🤔 Consideration E...

Theory of Contracts

  Summary This lesson introduces the classical theory of contract law, focusing on the concepts of freedom of contract and exchange of obligations. Highlights 📜 Classical theory is fundamental to contract law. 🕰️ Contract law has evolved since the 1700s. 🔑 Freedom of contract allows individuals to choose whom to contract with. ⚖️ Exchange of obligations is essential for a valid contract. 💼 Bilateral contracts involve mutual obligations. 📢 Unilateral contracts are based on public offers and acceptance. 📝 Future lessons will explore contract formation in detail. Key Insights 📚 The classical theory of contract law provides foundational principles that underpin all contractual agreements, emphasizing its importance in legal studies. 🏛️ The historical development of contract law highlights its relatively recent emergence, especially within English legal history, marking its significance in modern legal frameworks. 🕊️ Freedom of contract empowers individuals to engage in agreeme...

Introduction to Contract Law

 ### Summary The introductory lesson on contract law offers a comprehensive overview of its significance within the legal framework of England and Wales. It emphasizes that contracts are integral to daily interactions, with thousands formed each day for various purposes, ranging from simple purchases to substantial agreements like property leases. The lesson defines a contract as a legally enforceable agreement and outlines the essential components required for a contract to be valid, including agreement, consideration, and the intention to create legal relations. Furthermore, it highlights the scope of the upcoming lessons, which will delve into the creation, content, termination, and remedies associated with contracts. Overall, the lesson sets the groundwork for an advanced exploration of contract law. ### Highlights - 📜 **Introduction to Contract Law**: The lesson serves as an introduction to contract law, outlining its importance in everyday interactions. - 🤝 **Definition of ...

Access to Justice | English Legal System - Adalete Erişim | İngiliz Hukuk Sistemi

  Access to Justice in the English Legal System Date: 26 October 2023 Subject: Analysis of Access to Justice in the English Legal System Source: Excerpts from "Access to Justice | English Legal System" (YouTube transcript) Introduction: This document provides a briefing on the key issues surrounding access to justice in the English legal system, as outlined in the provided source. The source identifies two primary barriers: funding for legal cases and access to legal advice. It highlights the complexity of the legal system and the need for informed guidance, especially for individuals who are not legal professionals. Key Themes and Ideas: Dual Concept of Access to Justice: The source defines access to justice as encompassing two interwoven elements: Funding: The financial ability to pursue legal cases, both civil and criminal. "It is difficult for an individual to be able to achieve justice in civil and criminal cases...if they don't have the funding." The...