Terminoloji - Konu: Hukukun Bilgi Kaynakları

Hukukun Bilgi Kaynakları 

hukukun bilgi kaynakları : literary sources of law
We need to know the literary sources of law. 

mevzuat : legislation
The regulation of these various and interfering interests forms the principal task of modern legislation, and involves the spirit of party and faction in the necessary and ordinary operations of the government.

Resmi Gazete : Official Gazette
According to a Council of Ministers decree on 2010 program published in the Official Gazette on Sunday, government targets exports of 107.

yargı kararları : jurisdictional decisions
Transparency in the jurisdictional decision making process is an goal of FDA.

mahkeme kararları : court decisions

Internet Library of Law and Court Decisions

Anayasa Mahkemesi kararları : decisions of the Constitutional Court

Yargıtay kararları : decisions of the Court of Cassation, decision of the High Court of Appeal

Danıştay kararları: decisions of the Council of State

Askeri Yargıtay kararları : decisions of the Military Court of Cassation, decision of the Military High Court of Appeal

Askeri Yüksek İdare Mahkemesi  kararları : decisions of the High Military Administrative Court

Uyuşmazlık Mahkemesi kararları : decisions of the Court of Conflict, decisions ofCourt of Jurisdictional Conflict

bilimsel eserler  : doctrine, books of authority
We are not told what impediment  person interested in the ordinance will face that will not be avoided by the doctrines of fair use and implied license or the constitutionally footed right of persons to access the law. 

makale : article
He has written an article on the new sports centre for a local magazine.

hukuk dergisi : law journal